Gallery of 3d works that I made as a professional between 2010 and 2015. Does not contain all the works because I haven't got permission to show them.


Gallery of works made for fun and learning purpose between 2000 and 2015. Please keep in mind that some of these are really old.


Collection of websites that I made including code and graphic design. Does not contain all my works and those which were only sliced and not designed by me.

3d graphics skills

I'm very versatile in doing 3d graphics. I can do hard edges and organic models, RT graphics and rendering. I can setup the lights, create textures and materials. I can also do animation. Creating hair and simulations is not a problem. I'm pretty good with sculpting. During my professional career I made a few large indoor and outdoor scenes which were used in one third of a movie. I know how to make special effects and how to use particles but it's not my favourite task, my preference is to make small models, characters, cars and other small assets. I participated in projects for big clients, below is a short list of them.

I took part in projects for

programming skills

My most important skills are HTML, CSS/SASS, JS/jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue, Angular, React but I'am also familiar with Cordova, NativeScript, AngularJS, PHP, MySQL and GIT.

When working for Econnect4u I sliced a lot of websites for big clients mostly from UK and US. I was also responsible to add effects, animations and front-end logic. Since 2005 I created a lot of professional and amateur projects, that are not included in this portfolio because they are obsolete and were either removed or replaced by the newer versions. For example I worked with code and graphic design for internet shops,,,,, and many more. Most of these shops were optimized for search engines by me, with very good results. I've managed to get to top 3 with some very difficult key phrases. I also created from scratch my own internet shop and online stock and calculation software using PHP/MySQL.

Sławomir Korczyński - Portfolio